Friday, September 8, 2017

Dental Advocacy Groups to meet with Board of Health in Honolulu

For the last four months,  there has been a hui in every county who...
has been working with small groups throughout the best they could span
to gather the Voice of the People on local dental disparities.

If you are anything like me, you're thinking "What the heck is a disparity?"
That refers to how only some people have the right insurance to get dental care and others can only get a polish & pull.   Disparity is the gap between the two, because it seems like having 2 jobs doesn't help your teeth either.  Dental insurance is a hard one to get in full and our teeth are too important to ignore.

Before we get into sharing our findings with you, let's get that topic open.  Did you know that your dental issues affect your health issues long before you have health issues?  I sure didn't.  Well I knew a little, but not like what I've learned while working with this project and I'd like to share that with you.  How else do we learn for free?  How do we take control of our own affairs if we cannot make an educated choice?  

We are far from dumb, but there is a reason college exists - there is always more to learn.  
For the last 150 years, people have been "dummied down" so that certain political & corporate powers could exist and maintain with ease.  The best way to do that is to keep everyone with a lack of knowledge.  Its just like a lawyer says: one cannot know their options if they don't know their rights.  Well, we're not all studying to get a law degree but we are trying to live comfortable healthy lives.  Knowing how our ancestors achieved this is partially easy, partially a mystery to most of us.

Back in their hay day, our ancestors did not drink diet soda, or soda at all for that matter.  They didn't eat processed foods that contain science experiments.  They did not take medications with side effects.  Our ancestors simply ate what abundance nature provided for them.  No additives needed.  Sure, they suffered a new disease or some kind of ailment from time to time, but most of those issues were organically solved on nature's level and judging by the fact that humanity made it this far, that must have worked.  Why doesn't that work today? 

Well, those methods can't work today because we don't know them to use them.  In all reality, that's why they don't work.  Honestly.  People don't know how to use nature to get well or stay well and furthermore, those that do know, often don't give nature the time to work, before they go tainting nature with another chemical.   If we put embalming fluid in dead people to preserve the carcass for a funeral, what do you think it does to live bodies?  Its in almost everything you consume these days.  That diabetic sweetener (Equal, SweetnLow) was first developed as chemical warfare.  Donald Rumsfield had it approved when he first opened the FDA and went from Secretary of War to monitoring what's healthy for Americans to eat.  The pills you get for pain meds - ALL of it eats your teeth among other bones and systems within your body.  Those mind-altering mental meds genetically modify one's brains.  All of it rots your teeth along with the usual culprits: sugar, not brushing, etc...

Another unknown nemesis of most of our body systems is our pH Levels.  Did you know that high acidity is the culprit that gives us heart problems, cancer and rotted teeth?  It does more damage than that, but these are the top 3 issues besides stomach ulcers and leaky gut.

Acidity will burn holes right into your teeth.  It mostly comes from all the same foods that we are told not to eat every day.  We don't realize this because we are too busy moving along the only way we know how.  We make small conscious efforts but nothing major.  We do what we can.

Ever notice how many people are ashamed of their teeth? At least two-thirds of the population walk around with smiles meant to hide the teeth.  How does that feel when someone is going for a job or wanting to start a new relationship?  They are constantly sidetracked from the importance of the moment because they are trying to hide that tooth.

So the three statements in red are links to help bring our point home.  The link just above this line is to the larger nonprofit that we are all operating under.  They went to each major island, spoke to a small group of leaders, gave us something to work with and sent us on our way.  We worked tirelessly to get the job done.  We went high and low, wherever management allowed us to gather people.  We walked the hot days and the uphills.  And toward the end, we reached out to families and smaller groups of individuals.

On September 14th, we will all come together from each island to share our findings, which we could not done without many of you.  We know this talk stuff is cheap, but the members on each team along with the original group who set out to do this project did not plan on wasting any time or effort.  Wise words:  Only speak into existence that which you wish to see exist.  We only wish to see better dental coverage happen.

So the first group sat and called as many dental providers they could until they too were as discouraged as an actual patient.  Since that group operated under the core group, most of the calls they made were on Oahu.  However, they already saw the pattern and they already know that Honolulu is where the resources are, so if they couldn't get help there, and most other islands are referred to Honolulu, that it would be the same, if not worse for neighboring islands.

The link above shows you the start up groups on each island, who did the literal going out to communities to reach out as far as they could spread.  

Bright Smiles Hawaii is working with Department of Health, other professionals and their Street Teams on every island to ensure that each area and demographic is represented.  Every organization that cares about dental care is on this panel.  We are constantly uniting all the agencies we can to tackle this measure.  We are thankful for Bright Smiles Hawaii to be taking on this battle to bring more resources into Hawaii, sans the corporate nonsense.  From the looks of their timeline and a few good stories, they are doing much more than talking.

On September 14th at the meeting at-large, we will be presenting our final summaries of the 2017 survey year and bringing information back to our communities about what we can realistically expect in the upcoming year of dental provisions.   

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