Saturday, April 22, 2017

Niele Much?

How many Hawaiian-Americans call you and want to know all of your business so they have something to talk about, but get mad at you when you ask a question or expose them for something?  Ever notice how many of our people will do that?  Why?

Yeah, people are going to tell me that this post shouldn't have been written and I will certainly beg to differ and ask you to reach into your college degree or KS westernized education to show me where our people did not observe strict and pono laws.  Show me where we didn't keep things intact.  Show me where we turned our heads to remain silent when pilau things are happening around us. You can't.  Your degree can't.  All you can say is that when people were dealt with, they were dealt with and when we went to war, we were strong, fierce and brave.  But you cannot say that today's behavior was acceptable back then.

So why is it okay today? Get a few historical excuses, but no volunteers standing up to become a part of the solution? So we fight and fight for someone else to recognize us, but do we recognize ourselves? Honestly, do we? While we are too busy getting into degrading someone else to make us feel good, we are neglecting to look in the mirror. Put your blue light on and look in the mirror.
If you scared yourself, look a little deeper within, something's there.  Fix it.  Detox your body for seven days and pray intensely in the way you do.  Meditate - listen to the gentle breeze. If you didn't hear the message, then keep going.  Keep on your quest into yourself because while you were busy being niele, you fell into some dirty behavior. 
I tell you this as family who loves you should.  
Its time to start realizing ourselves.  
Its time to realize who we are. 
Its time to awaken and unite. 
The winds of change are here.
Let us prepare ourselves to receive blessings.
Open our hearts to the possibility that we are
Filled with Mana.
Let's open that can of worms
In the light.

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