Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Power of Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono is one of the ways that Kanaka Maoli resolve issues.  By far, when revered, it is one of the most effective methods of conflict resolution, for all who are involved.  It is the healing of a painful or emotional situation that requires La'au Lapaiau or wise and unbiased Kupuna to lead.

Ho'oponopono is a process where each person involved is asked to sit on the mat and evaluate the events that have transpired and to look within oneself to determine what they could have done differently, as not to have arrived at a place where intervention was needed to resolve the issue.  It requires each of us to use the virtues that we have learned in life, and to erase the negativity from our hearts.  For one to refuse ho'oponopono, is viewed as equivalent to wanting hewa to continue.

Most of the time, people get so wrapped up in a moment of distress or emotional pain, that they are unable to calm themselves down to formulate a compromised solution to a given problem, and having to reflect upon the problem opens new solutions that they were unable to see in the past - for we all know that hind sight is 20/20.  This reflection can help us to learn how to prevent future tragedies within a relationship with our loved ones.  It gives us a sense that it is okay to be human and to understand that we will all make mistakes.  Ho'oponopono is as necessary as the sun and moon, for it brings balance and healing to our emotional well being.

Most cultures have a form of ho'oponopono and for centuries, it has worked around the world.  Modern day westernized countries use a court to do this.  What is not effective about this process is that it is very biased, beginning with the fact that if one doesn't have the fiduciary means to begin the process, one is left out in the cold.  The second reason that this often does not work, is that the courts are looking to point a finger at one party, and disregard the actions of the other, thus perpetuating the problem.  This can lead to retaliation and harbored resentment.  Thus the continuation of the initial problem - which most likely had a simple solution in the first place.

The power of Ho'oponopono can be amazing.  The healing and refreshed unity among those involved can have profound positive effects upon people for a lifetime.  It provides examples to our keiki and opio on how to handle matters in a positive and mature manner.