Sunday, December 23, 2012

Healthy Minerals that the FDA Hides from us

According to the FDA, they cannot recommend minerals nor will they look into which ones are best for us.  There are a few reasons why:

  • The FDA Food Czar is the former attorney and VP of Monsanto
  • Most of the FDA employees are former employees of Monsanto and are still quite active with the said company
  • The FDA allows and regulates what the insurances can and cannot authorize for the consumer.  Therefore, in order to keep these scientific pharmaceutical companies in full operation, the FDA must keep them in business.  To do this, doctors must prescribe x amount of the medications, in order to get whatever they want from the government, be it tax cuts or underhanded business deals.  In order to execute this plan, this is what the FDA must do:
    • only evaluate the nutritional data that the general public knows of, like certain vitamins.  After all, they need a hook, line and sinker to sell the chemically engineered foods, right?  This is how they develop the market.
    • They cannot evaluate the minerals, because that would encourage people to grow their own medicines, thus collapsing the selfish economy that was meant only for the wealthy to make it in. This does not mean that others do not have the opportunity to rise, but not all opportunities weren't created equal. 
    • Whether the illness is man made or man spread, all illnesses have a "legitimized medication that is really expensive and we have decided what is good for you, because you don't know what is good for yourself.  Don't you self diagnose, that could be a number of things"  So all this time, you could have been growing a garden of all the medicines you need for your body type, and they are telling you - key words: they are telling you what is best for you. key point: how do they know you better than you know your own body? How many times have they waken up with you, as opposed to how many times you have waken up with yourself?

Now check out these alternatives and I can tell you from the personal experience of about a dozen people; myself included, that these purely natural remedies work.  If you're old enough, you remember the Book of 101 Natural Remedies that has been gone from the book shelves since around the Vietnam War Era.  This book told us things like:
  •  to take a 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp of organic cider vinegar each day to cleanse and alkaline our bodies; which means faster metabolisms and weight loss, and less or none heart burn.
  • to slice up an onion and put it in your socks while you sweat off a fever in your sleep; onions absorb germs very well
  • to wash your meat with a lemon/salt scrub before marinading it; which will kill most germs or impurities in your meat.
  • to use one cup vinegar instead of softener, in your laundry; which will decrease eczema, allergies, wrinkles and germs, and even take away the odors of cat urine and cigarette smoke!  Don't worry, when your clothes dry, the vinegar smell is gone.
  • to put a bowl of vinegar around your house; to absorb airborne odors and germs
  • to take a tsp of cinnamon each morning; which prevents cancer, diabetes and naturally lowers and regulates blood sugar levels
  • to boil ginger and lemon tea when you are getting sick
  • eat celery when you have the runs; it replaces lost electrolytes better than Gatorade and without the chemicals.
  • Ash Gourd - also known as winter melon or bitter gourd heals mouth cancer, when carbs are replaced with this vegetable it cures obesity, expels tapeworms, and relieves asthma, coughing and other respiratory ailments and when boiled in coconut oil, stops dandruff and promotes healthy shiny hair.
  • Milk Thistle has kept me off of the liver transplant list for 8 years now, and keeps me about an inch thinner, if I take 1 daily.
  • St John's Wort - also known as mugwort works wonders during the woman's cycle to regulate hormones and keep the peace.  It also works wonders in people with bipolar symptoms or manic depression.

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