Saturday, July 15, 2017

Maui Lani Prophecy

  Living on the edge of the new Maui Lani developments provides an insight that most people might have as a passing thought but I have all day every day to see it because I cannot ignore what I must look at and drive through daily.  I have to drive through it or around it multiple times throughout the day to come and go from my residence above some of the sand-hill burials, in Hale Makana O Waiale apartment complex.  

Aside from watching the Waiale Punawai mysteriously dry up this year, the dry water catchment tank behind Walgreens, and the old dried up Spreckles Ditch that runs along the burial hill, I am able to see all the trucks that have been mining sand for the last 2-3 years.  Yeah, those ones that are only now getting attention.  I also got to see how they mis-preserved the burial in Walgreens parking lot where they put the grave marker on the side of the Waiale Rd entrance, while the body remains are under the exit lane of the driveway.  I even got to see the mistakes they made while building the the new sports park for the Maui Lani community.

I'm assuming their intentions were to give those who purchase their home in the Parkway, Traditions & Legends, a place to play ball and sign their keiki up for sport programs.  It has once been said that the road to hell was paved with good intentions.  I remember watching the development and thinking to myself:  Where are they going to put the parking lot?  Where are people going to park when there are events?  Well the street is lined with these really pretty stretches of green, grassy islands that run between the lanes of oncoming traffic, and those pretty little stretches of grass are maintained by an intricate sprinkler system that was once meant to keep the grass green and pretty.

Well I applaud the planners of this development for their expertise in building plans.  This past week, Maui Lani held its first tryouts for youth sport teams and since there was no parking, people were parked all along that green grassy island in the middle of the road, all on top of that delicate sprinkler system.   Well, so much for the pretty sprinkler system and green grass.  Within a year, that stretch of grass is going to be distraught, as well as the community having broken sprinkler system issues.  I sure hope that the people who purchased property along or below this point have a good flood insurance and take care of their personal property in a manner consistent with preventive measure for things to happen.  

Secondly, I'd like to point out traffic during school times, during peak traffic hours and now during practice & game times within park activity times is going to be a monstrosity, eventually leading to a few good accidents and a new red light at the corner of Kuikahi & Kamehameha Avenues.   My spidey senses tell me this could very well be in the works by the end of the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.  

Try ask any resident who has to go through this area a few times a day and they just might agree.  Its already getting dangerous to drive through there with the ever increasing traffic hold up at that stop sign intersection.  There are bound to be some major problems prior to the end of the 2017-2018 school year.   There is simply too much development booming in one spot.  There is simply too much desecration going on of our kupuna'iwi.  Let this silly named article serve as a heads up to what is to come regarding that particular strip of development.  Kudos to the smart guys who thought to build a park with inadequate parking.  Accounts payable and pending repairs are the developer's responsibility.   

1 comment:

  1. Update: have noticed people parking on both the grass median as well as the sandhill areas that are not being used for sports. Also noticed the sprinkler guys out twice so far, to fix the sprinklers. Keep an eye out and post your observations here.
